Transformational Healing Expert & Certified Integrative Coach, Myofascial Release Therapist, Shaman, Author
To inspire individuals to tap into their fullest potential to break repeated patterns and expand into a growth mindset. To lead with inspiration and compassion in connection with our highest self.
Tanya Colucci is a talented bodyworker using Myofascial Release Therapy to help clients heal from Trauma, Chronic Pain, TMJ, Anxiety/PTSD and a host of other symptoms. Find out more about myofascial release on her website: www.tanyacoluccimfr.com
Recently she has expanded into doing Integrative Coaching using the Enneagram Framework with conscious leadership concepts.
Tanya hosts international wellness retreats, sound healings, Shamanic Ancient Teachers and Ceremonies.
Services Offered:
- Myofascial Release Bodywork
- Cranial Sacral Therapy
- Shamanic Healing
- Corporate Wellness Programming
- Ennegram Assessment & Leadership Coaching
- Transformational Integration Coaching (BTTY)
- Meditation & Ancient Breathwork Practices
- Sound Healing & Cacao Ceremony
- Retreat Leader and Guide
Call or email Tanya to schedule an appointment! 202-812-4242 tanyacoluccimfr@gmail.com

To learn more about Tanya, you can visit her website at www.tanyacoluccimfr.com